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React Hooks

Cerebellum provides a set of custom hooks that simplify interaction with the Cerebellum instance. These hooks handle connections to channels and presence management. The hooks available are:

  • useChannel
  • usePresence

For most users, the hooks mentioned above will be sufficient for their needs. However, if you require more advanced control over the Cerebellum instance, you can use the useCerebellum hook to access the Cerebellum instance directly. Allowing access to all of the methods and properties listed in the following general, channel, and presence method sections


const {publish, channelName} = useChannel(channelName: string, callback?: (message: Message) => any): Channel


Subscribes to a specific channel and returns a publish function that can be used to publish messages to the channel, and a channelName that represents the name of the channel. If a callback function is provided, it will be invoked when a new message is received in the channel.

Note, that all messages including those sent by the current sender will be received by the callback function.


  • channelName: string

    • Description: The name of the channel to subscribe to and publish messages on.
    • callback?: (message: Message) => any
    • Description: An optional callback function that will be executed when a new message is received. The function receives a Message object.
  • Callback Argument: message: Message

    • Description: The callback function receives a Message object containing details of the new message.

    • The Message interface is defined as follows:

      interface Message {
      content: any;
      createdAt: string;
      socketId: string;

Return Type - channelName: string - publish: (message: any) => void - Description: The publish takes an argument and sends it to the current channel.


import { useChannel } from "@cerebellum/sdk";

const MyComponent = () => {
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
const [messageField, setMessageField] = useState("");
const { channelName, publish } = useChannel("general", (message) => {
setMessages((prevMessages) => [...prevMessages, message]);

const sendMessage = () => {

return (
{ => (
<li key={message.createdAt}>{message.content}</li>
placeholder="Enter a message"
onChange={(event) => {
<button onClick={sendMessage}>Publish Message</button>


In this example, the useChannel hook is imported from the Cerebellum SDK. It is used to subscribe to the "general" channel and publish messages to it. Every time a message is received by the channel, the onMessage callback function is executed with the received message as an argument. Lastly, the sendMessage function is invoked, a new message is sent to the cerebellum servers to be published to the channel.



  • channelName: string

    • Description: The name of the channel to subscribe to presence events for.
    • initialUserInfo: NewState
      • Description: An object representing the initial presence information for the user. This is the information that the user will send to be entered into the presence set.
      • Note that the NewState interface is defined as follows. That the values of a state object are always strings.
    interface NewState {
    [key: string]: string;
    • Return Type
  • presenceData: []State

    • Description: This will be an array of State objects representing the state of the current users in the presenece set.
    • An example of the State interface is defined as follows:
    interface State {
    [key: string]: string;
    socketId: string;
    • Note that a unique socketId for each user will be included for each user in the presence set.
  • updateStatus: (state: State) => void

    • Description: A function that can be used to update the presence information for the user. This function takes a NewState object as an argument and updates the presence information for the user. Note that the NewState interface is defined as follows. The socketId of the user does not need to be included in the NewState object. It will be automatically taken care of by the Cerebellum SDK. You just need to include the inormation that you want to update.
    • The NewState interface is defined as follows. That the values of a state object are always strings.
    interface NewState {
    [key: string]: string;


import { usePresence } from "@cerebellum/sdk";

const MyComponent = () => {
const [username, setUsername] = useState("alice");
const { presenceData, updateStatus } = usePresence("status", {
status: "online",

return (
<h1>Presence Data</h1>
{ => (
<li key={data.socketId}>
{data.username}: {data.status}
<p>Status: {presenceData.status}</p>
<button onClick={() => updateStatus({ status: "offline" })}>
Update Status


  • In this example, usePresence is imported from the Cerebellum SDK. It is used to subscribe to the "status" channel. When the usePresence hooks is called, the intial state for the user Alice is passed as an argument, with the status set to online.
  • The returned object contains the presenceData and updateStatus properties.
  • The presenceData property is an Array of State objects representing the current presence information for the users in the channel. It will be automatically updated when a user joins, leaves or updates their presence information.
  • The updateStatus property is a function that can be used to update the presence information for a user in the channel. You will pass in a NewState object as an argument, and the function will update the presence information for the user, also letting everyone else know in the presence set that the user has updated their status.
  • When the component unmounts, or if the user is disconnected, the usePresence hook will automatically unsubscribe from the presence set, and let everyone know that the user has left the presence set.


The useCerebellum hook is used to access the Cerebellum instance directly. This hook can be used to access the Cerebellum instance and its methods directly. It is useful if you need to perform additional operations with the Cerebellum instance, that are not provided by the react hooks. The most comonon use case for this hook is to access the cerebellum instance to retrieve the past mesasges for a channel that is using the useChannel hook.

import { useCerebellum } from "@cerebellum/sdk";

const MyComponent = () => {
const cerebellum = useCerebellum();
const [pastMessages, setPastMessages] = useState([]);
const getPastMessages = async () => {
const messages = await cerebellum.getPastMessages("general", {
limit: 10,
sortDirection: "descending",

return (
<h1>Past Messages</h1>
{ => (
<li key={message.createdAt}>{message.content}</li>
<button onClick={getPastMessages}>Get Past Messages</button>);


  • In this example, useCerebellum is imported from the Cerebellum SDK. It is used to access the Cerebellum instance directly. When the useCerebellum hooks is called, the Cerebellum instance is returned.
  • The getPastMessages function is used to retrieve the past messages from the "general" channel. It is called when the button is clicked. Once the messages are retrieved, they are displayed in the interface for the user.